Join the Midwest Country Music Organization

Fun Fact: I am a Charter Member of the Midwest Country Music Organization. After a year or two helping out where I could, I was asked to join the Board of Directors. In February of 2020, I joined as Director of Membership and have been working on bringing value added features and logistics to our wide variety of members. 

The organization has been an absolute blast. Networking, events, etc have been off the charts and I'm proud to be a part of it going forward. Our award show made such a dent in Feb of 2020 that we were granted the esteemed 'cease and desist' from a National organization that thought we were living a little too close to their backyard! It resulted in a flurry of events involving a rebrand and refocus. 

For more information, to join, or browse, visit Midwest Country Music Organization

Our membership is excited to get back to gigging and playing, and SOON. I've been checking in, and there is some great music being written over the last year!

I'll save my personal opinions on the matter for another posting later.